Whiplash Treatment
If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches, jaw pain and more.
Low Back Pain
Most people consider whiplash to be an injury of the neck. However, the lower back is also commonly injured as well. In fact, low back pain is found in more than half of rear impact collisions in which injury was reported, and almost three-quarters of all side-impact crashes. This is mostly due to the fact that the low back still experiences a tremendous compression.
Following an automobile accident, there is a lot of confusion that may occur, because of the complexity of everything that is needed or required of you. Besides damage to your car, filling out required accident reports if the damage to your car is over a certain dollar amount, you are also having to deal with pains associated with the injury itself.
The day of the accident, you may have quite a bit of discomfort immediately following the accident. However, there are many times when victims of the accident only feel, “some” pains in the neck, back arms or legs. The amount of adrenaline that streams through our bodies following an accident can tend to mask the severity of the injuries that a person may have sustained during the accident. Many accident victims go to the Hospital Emergency Rooms, following an accident, with “some” pains. However, the accident victims are usually instructed to monitor themselves, because the discomfort from the injuries that they have sustained is likely to get worse.
When this happens, the real questions start:
Come to Hill Chiropractic
We have many years of experience assessing and treating musculoskeletal injuries associated with automobile accidents. We can help you with the paperwork and we have answers to these and many other questions. If we cannot answer a question, we can make recommendations for you to talk to others who can. Ignoring the injury problems and not addressing them early can tend to make more long term unnecessary problems associated with your injuries. The sooner that the problems are addressed the quicker the pains and other issues associated with the accident can be taken care of.
Give us a call today at
(209) 551-8888 and we can help you!